Are high school juniors even eligible to apply for scholarships?

You should be aware that it is seldom too early to start applying for scholarships. The most significant year of your high school experience is junior year. Since this is the year you begin to seriously consider attending college, it is a year of significant transitions, studying, and decisions. Your performance in your third year is a good indicator of how your college prospects may pan out.

This college journey entails taking the PSAT (and possibly the SAT or ACT), researching colleges, and possibly even visiting some of them, putting together college applications, and discussing your options with your family and guidance counselor.

This being the year that you’re talking about college, it’s critical to consider the cost. Scholarships are an important factor to consider in the college admissions process; therefore, leaving them out of the equation would be a mistake!

There are numerous fantastic scholarships available to high school juniors. We’ve highlighted some of the top scholarships for high school juniors to apply for in 2021 in this post.

Top Scholarships for High School Juniors

Merit-Based Scholarships for Juniors

These scholarships are competitions in which you and others compete for a limited amount of money. They evaluate your personal qualities rather than your academic or scientific abilities. Some people place a high value on academic achievement, while others are more interested in leadership or volunteer work (or both!).

William Randolph Hearst Foundation US Senate Youth Program

Eligibility: Students in grades 11-12

Deadline: Varies by state

This scholarship program is designed for students in leadership roles in student government, education, public health, or community service organizations to pursue government courses in college. Applicants are evaluated based on leadership, academics, communication skills, critical thinking, community engagement, and extracurricular activities. The program awards $10,000 to 108 winners, along with an all-expenses-paid trip to a conference in Washington, DC, where they have the opportunity to meet senators and other political officials.

Carson Scholars Program

Eligibility: Students in grades 4-11

Deadline: N/A (students do not enter the program but are nominated by their school)

Compete for this scholarship by showcasing academic excellence and a commitment to community service. The minimum GPA requirement is 3.75/4.00. Secure a nomination from an educator at your school (one per school). Winners receive a $1,000 prize. Schools can request an application. Speak with a teacher or counselor to participate.

Coolidge Scholarship

Award Amount: Full-ride!

Scholarship Deadline: February 23

The Coolidge Scholarship is a full-ride scholarship that covers a student’s tuition, room, board, and expenses for four years of undergraduate study.

American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest

Eligibility: US high school students under 20 years of age

Deadline: Varies by state, as contests are arranged by local American Legion departments

Similar to the Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition, students compete for this scholarship by writing and performing an eight- to 10-minute oration on some aspect of the US Constitution, in addition to giving a three- to five-minute speech on an assigned topic. First place takes home $25,000, second place gets $22,500, and third place wins $20,000. Smaller prizes are also awarded to state winners. You can check out this year’s topics on the official website. 

National Merit Scholarship

Eligibility: 11th graders who have taken the PSAT/NMSQT (10th graders may take the PSAT but are ineligible for the scholarship unless they will be graduating a year early)

Deadline: N/A (you are automatically entered upon taking the PSAT in 11th grade)

Juniors in high school can enter this scholarship competition by taking the PSAT or NMSQT. Aim for a top score (typically a Selection Index score of 212 or higher, depending on your state) to qualify. Apply with standard scholarship information. The competition awards $2,500 to approximately 7,600 students annually, with additional awards from sponsors. Speak with your counselor at the start of the school year to arrange test participation (registration is handled by the high school). Find more details in our National Merit Scholarship guide.

Illustrators of the Future Contest

Sponsor: L. Ron Hubbard Library

Amount: $500

Closing Date: June 30, 2023

Description: The contest is open to new and amateur artists who have not been professionally published and paid for more than three black-and-white story illustrations or more than one process-colour painting in media distributed broadly to the general public.

Essay and Project-Based Scholarships for Juniors

If you are competitive, these scholarship programs may be just what you need to motivate you! Whether you’re an expert debater or a political enthusiast, you’re sure to find a contest that’s right up your alley.

The Fountainhead Essay Contest

Eligibility: Students in grades 11-12

Deadline: April 27, 2023

Are you an Ayn Rand fan? Or have you read The Fountainhead for school? Then you’ve already done the lion’s share of the work for this scholarship competition! Students compete for this award by writing an essay on one of three topics related to The Fountainhead. The first-place winner is awarded a grand prize of $5,000, though runners-up also get prizes. This is a cash prize, so you’ll receive the money directly.

John F. Kennedy’s Profile in Courage Essay Contest:

Eligibility: US students in grades 9-12

Deadline: January 13, 2023

Do you follow US politics? Then this competition might be the one for you. Participants in the 2023 competition must describe and evaluate a political act of bravery performed by a US elected official who served in office in 1917 or later. For the 2023 contest, applicants are asked to describe and analyze an act of political courage by a US elected official who served during or after 1917. To get an idea of what is expected of applicants, read previous winning essays for inspiration. Award amounts range from $100 up to $10,000.

We the Students Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: up to $7,500

Scholarship Deadline: April 15

This scholarship is open to all US students in grades 8–12, ages 14–19.

Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition

Eligibility: Students in grades 9-12

Deadline: October 31, 2022

To compete for this scholarship, applicants write and record an audio essay on an annual patriotic theme. The 2022–2023 theme for the competition is “Why is the Veteran Important?”  The first-place winner walks away with a $35,000 scholarship, but runners-up receive awards, too. A total of $2 million in funding is given out annually in the form of additional, smaller awards between $1,000 and $16,000. 

Stop the Bleed Scholarship

Sponsor: Stop the Bleed

Amount: Up to $3,000

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to high school students in the United States. The applicant must submit an essay on a topic related to “Stop the Bleed.”

Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship

Sponsor: Digital Responsibility

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: September 30, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to high school students in grades 9–12 and current college or graduate school students. The applicant must complete a short form and share a 140-character statement explaining why they will not text and drive.

JASNA Essay Contest

Sponsor: Jane Austen Society of North America

Amount: Up to $1,000

Closing Date: June 1, 2023

Description: The contest is open to students worldwide who are enrolled in high school, college, university, or graduate school. The student is required to turn in an essay on a subject that relates to a Jane Austen work.

See also  University of Minnesota National Merit Scholarship For National Merit Finalists (Partial)

Visionary Scholarship Program

Sponsor: American College Foundation

Amount: Up to $5,000

Closing Date: June 1, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are United States citizens or eligible non-citizens. The applicant must submit an essay on why college is important to them

EngineerGirl Essay Contest

Award Amount: $500

Scholarship Deadline: February 1  

The EngineerGirl Essay Contest is open to high school students and asks for an essay discussing the vital contribution of engineers in responding to the pandemic.

Americanism Essay Scholarship 

Award Amount: $100 – $1,200 

Scholarship Deadline: First Friday in February  

The Americanism Essay Scholarship is open to Illinois high school students and requires an essay on Americanism and good citizenship.

A Voice for Animals Contest

Sponsor: Humane Education Network

Amount: Up to $500

Closing Date: May 21, 2023

Description: The contest is open to students between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age. The applicant must submit an essay on a given topic related to animals.

B. Davis Scholarship

Sponsor: Student Award Search Aid

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: May 21, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to high school juniors and seniors, as well as current college students. The applicant must submit an essay on a given topic related to leadership.

Fourth Circuit Essay Contest

Sponsor: United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

Amount: Up to $2,000

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The contest is open to current students in grades 9 through 12 from Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. The applicant must submit an essay on a topic related to the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

Profile in Courage Essay Contest

Award Amount: $500 – $3,000

Scholarship Deadline: January 13

The Profile in Courage Essay Contest is open to all high school students. Essays will be judged on the overall originality of the topic and the clear communication of ideas through language.

Young Filmmakers Contest

Sponsor: One Earth Film Festival

Amount: Up to $1,000

Closing Date: June 25, 2023

Description: The contest is open to students in grades 3 through college (ages 8 and up) from the United States. The student must create a film on one of many given topics (climate, energy, food, transportation, waste, water, wildlife, and ecosystems) related to the earth.

$1,000 Easy Scholarship: Uncensored

Sponsor: DoSomething

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: June 30, 2023

Description: You could earn a $1,000 scholarship by reading a banned book from our list and sharing your reflections. By discussing your experience reading the book and the value it adds to society, you’re helping to ensure all books remain uncensored.

Cappex Easy College Money Scholarship

Sponsor: Cappex

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

High school and college students in the United States who are currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in college within the next 12 months are eligible for the scholarship. The applicant must first create a Cappex profile (if they don’t already have one), share information about their leadership, volunteer, and extracurricular activities, and then search for scholarships on Cappex.

Book Recommendation Scholarship

Sponsor: CollegExpress

Amount: $1,300

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The contest is open to students 13 and older who are legal residents of the United States. The applicant must answer the following prompt in just one sentence: “What is a good book you’d recommend to a friend for the summer?”

Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship

Sponsor: Gen and Kelly Tanabe

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: July 31, 2023

Faith-Based Scholarships

Catholic College Scholarship

Sponsor: Catholic College Info

Amount: $1,500

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Open to students who will be attending a Catholic college or university, this scholarship is available to those who are 13 years old or older.

Annual Catholic College Scholarship

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: May 31, 2023

Are you a current high school student interested in attending a Catholic college or university? If so, consider applying for the Annual Catholic College Scholarship! In order to apply, you…

Protestant Faith-Based College Scholarship Drawing

Sponsor: FaithBasedCollege

Amount: $1,500

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Students who request information from a faith-based college or university, as well as those who are considering or planning to attend one, must be at least 13 years old to be eligible to enter the scholarship drawing.

Christian Connector Scholarship

Sponsor: Christian Connector

Amount: $2,500

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to students with plans to enroll for the first time as full-time students at a Christ-centered Christian college or Bible college within 16 months.

Other Scholarships

Around the Corner from College Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000

Scholarship Deadlines: December 31, June 30

This is another one of Access Scholarship’s ways of giving back! The Around the Corner from College Scholarship is an easy opportunity that is open to all high school students, including international students who are planning to attend college in the US.

WiseGeek Mental Health Well-Being No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $500

Scholarship Deadline: December 31

The WiseGeek Mental Health Well-Being Scholarship is meant to provide awareness of mental health challenges and assist those who have had to face those issues with a $500 award to help pay their tuition.

Description: The scholarship is open to students in grades 9–12, college, or graduate school who are legal U.S. residents. The applicant must submit an essay answering why they deserve the scholarship or their academic or career goals.

$2,000 “No Essay” College Scholarship

Sponsor: Niche

Amount: $2,000

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to high school, college, and graduate students and those planning to enroll within 12 months. The applicant must be a legal resident of the United States or an international student with a valid visa. The applicant must log in to Niche or create a free account to apply for the scholarship.

Fifth Month Scholarship

Sponsor: Unigo

Amount: $1,500

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

A scholarship is available to students who are 14 years old or older, legal residents of one of the fifty United States or the District of Columbia, and who are enrolled in or plan to enroll in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher learning. The applicant must “write a letter to the number five explaining why five is important.”

Robert J. Trace Scholarship

Sponsor: The American Legion – Department of Pennsylvania

Amount: $500

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to students 15 to 18 years of age residing within Pennsylvania. The applicant must be the child or grandchild of a Pennsylvania Legionnaire, a deceased Pennsylvania Legionnaire, or the child of a Pennsylvania soldier who was killed due to the war on terrorism.

Scholarship Detective Launch Scholarship

Sponsor: Scholarship Detective

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to current students who are permanent residents of the United States. The applicant must fill out a short online application and share in 140 characters or less how they will use the scholarship.

School Survey Sweepstakes

Sponsor: Niche

See also  Start Early: Learn How to Find and Apply for Scholarships for High School Sophomores 

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: May 31, 2023

Description: The sweepstakes is open to current high school students, high school alumni who graduated within the last four years, and the parents of those students or alumni. Individuals must take a survey at a United States high school.

$500 High School Junior Scholarship

Sponsor: Niche

Amount: $500

Closing Date: June 1, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to legal residents of the United States or international students with valid visas who are high school juniors in the Class of 2024.

Because College is Expensive Scholarship

Sponsor: Cedar Education Lending

Amount: $500

Closing Date: June 30, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to high school juniors and seniors, adults looking to head back to school, current college students, and anyone else looking to attend college or graduate school. The applicant must fill out a short form.

No Sweat Scholarship

Sponsor: Cirkled In

Amount: $2,500

Closing Date: June 30, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to students 13 years of age or older who are legal residents of the United States or the District of Columbia. The applicant is required to register for a free Circkled account.

MoolahSPOT $1,000 Scholarship

Sponsor: MoolahSPOT

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: August 31, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to students at least 16 years of age or older who plan to attend or are currently attending college or graduate school. Students may be of any nationality and reside in any country. The applicant must submit a short form and a short essay.

Shout It Out Scholarship

Sponsor: Unigo

Amount: $1,500

Closing Date: September 30, 2023

Description: The scholarship is open to students 13 years of age or older who are legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia and are currently enrolled (or will enroll) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education in the future. The applicant will need to submit a short response to a given prompt.

Apprentice Ecologist Initiative Youth Scholarship Program

Sponsor: Nicodemus Wilderness Project

Amount: Varies

Closing Date: December 31, 2023

Description: Scholarships are open to students between the ages of 13 and 21 who are candidates for a degree or diploma at a primary (middle school), secondary (high school), or accredited post-secondary educational institution from any country around the world. The applicant must conduct their environmental stewardship project in 2023.

E-waste Scholarship

Sponsor: Digital Responsibility

Amount: $1,000

Closing Date: April 30, 2024

Description: Scholarships are open to high school students and current or entering college or graduate students at any level. Applicant must answer in 140 characters or less “The most important reason to care about e-waste is…”

ScholarshipPoints $2,500 Scholarship 

Award Amount: $2,500

Scholarship Deadline: Monthly

Each quarter of the year, Scholarship Points awards $10,000 to a lucky student. Enter each quarter for a greater chance at winning!

Aspire $1,000 Scholarship 

Award Amount: $1,000

Scholarship Deadline: September 30

Open to high school students of all years, this is another scholarship sponsored by us, no essay is required (just a short response!)

BigFuture Scholarships

Amount: $500 – $40,000

Deadline: Monthly

Eligibility: Open to high school juniors (class of 2024) who are US residents. Complete steps to plan for life after high school to be entered into monthly scholarship opportunities—no essays required! 

Smart Owl No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000 (4 awards per month!)

Scholarship Deadline: Expires on the 28th or 29th of each month

The Smart Owl Scholarship is a monthly, no-essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older who are US residents!

CampusReel $2,000 No Essay Scholarship 

Award Amount: $2,000

Scholarship Deadline: Monthly 

The CampusReel No Essay Scholarship is awarded monthly, and all you have to do is sign up on their website. It’s that easy!

CollegExpress Monthly Scholarship 

Award Amount: usually $1,000 – $2,000

Scholarship Deadline: On the last day of each month,

CollegExpress offers monthly scholarships to students ages 13 and older, centered around various topics. By entering their monthly scholarship, you’re also automatically entered for their quarterly $10,000 scholarship as well!

Be Bold $25,000 No Essay Scholarship 

Award Amount: $25,000

Scholarship Deadline: has a lot of great scholarships, but while you’re there, make sure you enter to win this $25,000 scholarship they have going on!

Nitro $2,000 No Essay Scholarship 

Award Amount: $2,000

Scholarship Deadline: Monthly 

The Nitro No Essay Scholarship is awarded monthly, and all you have to do is sign up on their website. Doesn’t get any easier!

Humanity Rising Scholarships 

Award Amount: $500 – $2,000

Scholarship Deadlines: Rolling

Humanity Rising awards scholarships to high school students who tell their stories of community service through a video.

Survey Junkie Brand Influencer No Essay

Award Amount: Varies

Scholarship Deadline: Rolling 

Survey Junkie invites students to share their opinions on topics they care about, with the potential to earn big rewards $.

Distinguished Young Women Scholarship 

Award Amount: Varies 

Scholarship Deadline: Continuous 

The Distinguished Young Women Scholarship Program is for female high school juniors and seniors.

United States Senate Youth Program

Award Amount: $10,000

Scholarship Deadline: Varies by state

The United States Senate Youth Program is a scholarship open to high school juniors and seniors holding elected student offices. Two students are selected from each state.

National “Don’t Wait to Reach Your Potential” Scholarship

Award Amount: $500 – $1,000

Scholarship Deadline: January 6

The “Don’t Wait to Reach Your Potential” Scholarship is open to high school students in the US and does not require test scores, GPAs, or class rankings.

Live Más Scholarship

Award Amount: $5,000 – $25,000

Scholarship Deadline: January 11

The Live Mas Scholarship is Taco Bell’s contribution to helping students achieve their higher education goals. It’s not a full ride, but it’s certainly something! To apply, students must submit a video telling the story of their real, true passion.

Hamilton Award/Scholars Program for High School Juniors

Award Amount: $1,000

Scholarship Deadline: January 25

The Hamilton Award is open solely to underserved high school juniors in the US. Students do not need to be US residents.

Technology Addiction Awareness Scholarship 

Award Amount: $1,000

Scholarship Deadline: January 31

The Technology Addiction Awareness Scholarship is designed to help you understand the negative effects that technology and too much screen time can have on our lives. Open to high school and college students, along with graduate school students.

Be the Boss Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000

Scholarship Deadline: March 15

The “Be the Boss” Scholarship is designed to empower entrepreneurial women to give their business ideas a try!

Stuck at Prom Scholarship

Award Amount: up to $10,000

Scholarship Deadline: June 9

The Stuck at Prom Scholarship is open to high school students in the US and Canada who are 14 and older.

Prudential Emerging Visionaries Award

Amount: up to $15,000

Deadline: November 4

Eligibility: Open to young leaders between the ages of 14 and 18 who are bringing a compelling vision and substantial change to their communities. must be citizens of the United States or Puerto Rico.

Why are scholarships important for high school juniors?

If you’ve been uncertain about the value of scholarships and whether it’s worth the stress of managing high school and extracurricular activities, rest assured that it is indeed worthwhile. Although the process may require time and effort, the potential rewards make it valuable. Applying for scholarships early can provide you with the following benefits:

  1. You will get to save a significant amount of time in comparison to earning a few thousand dollars through part-time work.
  2. Pay for your education with ease, and only focus on your studies.
  3. It will also help you to refine key skills along the way, such as organization, essay writing, and professional communication.
  4. Reduce or eliminate the need for student loans, allowing an easy transition into the job market after college.
See also  Odyssey of the Mind Scholarships for High School Seniors 2023

How do I make my scholarship applications stand out?

How to apply

To begin your scholarship applications, click on any of the listed scholarships above and create your profile. Then, browse through the scholarships and save the ones that are a good fit for later applications.

Once you’ve found scholarships of interest, review the descriptions and eligibility criteria to ensure you meet the requirements before proceeding.

No-essay scholarships typically require a few simple steps to apply, while essay scholarships may require more effort. For scholarships that involve essays, pictures, or videos, you’ll find a specific prompt to follow. Once you’ve completed your submission, simply click “apply” to submit your application!

Tips for high school juniors

In a sea of students with financial needs, it may seem daunting to distinguish yourself and secure a scholarship. However, there are numerous strategies you can employ to make your applications shine and enhance your odds of success.

  1. Do Your Research: While it’s beneficial to start with larger national scholarships, it’s important to note that the competition for such prestigious programs can be intense. Even if you are a highly qualified applicant, you may not qualify due to the sheer number of applicants. 

To maximize your chances of success and securing funding for school, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and explore niche scholarships and resources that align with your interests and strengths. The more targeted your scholarship search is, focusing on smaller and tailored programs, the greater your likelihood of winning. Local awards also tend to be more attainable compared to national competitions.

However, this doesn’t mean you should overlook larger scholarships; you should apply to those as well. It’s wise to have some smaller “safety” awards as backup options. Therefore, take the time to explore and research scholarship programs in your area or those specifically tailored to your interests and passions. Utilize online scholarship search tools to find opportunities. If you possess a particular talent, skill, interest, or identity, seek out scholarships that cater to students with those criteria.

  1.  Know the terminology: Need-based scholarships are granted based on demonstrated financial need, while merit-based scholarships are awarded for academic or extracurricular achievements. The scholarships listed above primarily fall under the category of merit scholarships, although some also consider financial need. However, the most effective strategy for winning merit scholarships goes beyond solely applying for external scholarships. You have a higher likelihood of receiving significant scholarship funding by applying to lower-ranked schools where your unique profile and accomplishments shine brightly.
  1. Discover suitable scholarships: Due to the high number of applicants, scholarships for high school students are usually quite competitive. However, scholarships with specific eligibility criteria, such as academic excellence, community service experience, a minimum GPA, and more, tend to attract fewer eligible candidates. This improves your chances of winning. Similarly, certain scholarships are exclusive to particular groups of students, such as high school student-athletes, members of student government, student photojournalists, and others.
  1. Maintain communication with your guidance counselor! They possess valuable information regarding local scholarships and the application process, as well as updates on scholarships and opportunities provided by colleges. They are well-versed in the college admissions process and can guide throughout.
  1. Letters of recommendation play a crucial role in the admissions process and are often necessary for scholarships. It is essential to request letters of recommendation from your teachers before the end of junior year. This step becomes particularly important when applications specifically ask for recommendation letters. To ensure ample time for your teachers and mentors to write these letters, make sure to provide them with advance notice.
  1. Pay close attention to the rules: Any mistakes could result in disqualification from the scholarship. Take the time to thoroughly understand all the rules and ensure that you submit all the required components. Additionally, make sure to submit everything before the deadline.
  1. Apply Broadly: This approach enhances your chances of securing additional funds for college. Essentially, apply to as many scholarships as you can.

Many scholarship applications share similar questions and require similar information. So, if you apply to one program, why not apply to several others? Most scholarships have no application fee, only requiring a few hours of your time.

For instance, the Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship mentioned above allows you to repurpose a personal statement from a class or another application, enabling you to save time and effort. Applying to a greater number of scholarships increases your likelihood of winning some, so aim to apply to as many as possible. If you’re short on time, consider pursuing no-essay scholarships, as they offer quick application processes.

  1. Submit your scholarship applications ahead of time: By applying early, you increase your likelihood of success. Stay vigilant for newly available scholarships, allowing you to be among the first applicants. Moreover, applying early guarantees that you have ample time to complete your application, even if you encounter initial challenges. Waiting until the last minute could result in missing the deadline due to unforeseen issues like internet connectivity problems.
  1. Take note of important scholarship deadlines: Many scholarships have deadlines that precede college applications. It’s advisable to initiate your scholarship search early to avoid missing out on valuable opportunities.

This advice particularly holds for scholarships targeted at high school seniors. If you’re currently exploring scholarships, it’s an ideal moment to proactively pursue significant scholarships for 12th graders.

To stay organized, consider maintaining a regularly updated spreadsheet to track application deadlines. By doing so, you can also get a head start on scholarships with fall deadlines for seniors. This proactive approach will give you an advantage as the school year resumes.


This article presents an extensive compilation of 65 scholarships specifically tailored for high school juniors. It emphasizes the significance of incorporating scholarships into the college admissions journey and highlights a range of available scholarship opportunities. 

The aim is to equip high school juniors with a comprehensive array of scholarships to consider and pursue in order to alleviate the financial burdens associated with pursuing higher education. So if you are a high school junior preparing for college applications, these scholarships are highly recommended as a viable means to address the financial obstacles to attaining a college education. The article provides detailed information about this distinct category of scholarships, leaving no aspect unexplored.

At Scholarship Monitor, we are committed to providing you with up-to-date information on scholarship opportunities. Make sure to always check back for more updates and take advantage of the resources we have provided to help you achieve your academic and career goals.

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